Mihir RCC Cooling Towers per cell have been a huge success in Power Plants and Process Industries
Design Advantage
Motor and Gearbox are directly coupled on a common mounting frame supported on a center RCC column thereby avoiding any vibrations commonly caused by misalignment of transmission shaft between motor and gearbox.
This unique concept of center RCC column allows Casing and FRP fan section to be kept independent of rotating parts like gearbox, motor and fan.
Cost Advantage
The operating costs of these towers are comparatively low as the power consumption is reduced by providing extra quantity of fills which increases the wetted surface area.
Fan Stack could be made in FRP to reduce onsite RCC activity and increase work productivity and faster execution.
Salient Features
Hurricane and Cyclone resistant by virtue of mass which increases the life of the tower.
RCC being a natural material defies the detrimental effects of heat and ultra violet rays making it immune to rot and decay.
Fan Stack/Section canbe supplied in FRP.
Entire load of PVC fills rests on RCC structure.
For contaminated water and water with suspended particles PVC fills of flute size 19mm can be used.